MT4 Indicator (Gann_HiLo_Activator_ v2.ex4)
How to trade with Gann_HiLo_Activator indicatorThe indicator consists of a single line which either flows above price (above candles) or below. Gann_HiLo_Activator signals should be read as follows: - Indicator line is below the price => uptrend, time to buy, no selling. Note: Indicator signals are confirmed only when price candles are closed. E.g. on hourly charts, during the course of 1 hour Gann_HiLo_Activator line can change it position flipping above, below and back multiple times. Therefore, until an hourly candle closes, no actions should be taken. Gann_HiLo_Activator indicator helps to identify and follow trends across all time frames. It can help to stay longer in a trade and not panic. At the same time it is very quick to react to trend changes. Yet, like any trend indicator, it is prone to sideways market drifts. And although unlike other indicators it'll give fewer false signals, it would be extremely difficult to profit with it during ranging markets.
Comments |
This is a superb indicator.
By the way you have an error within the explanatory text:
This phrase - 'it'll give less false signals' - should read - 'it'll give fewer false signals'.
Great site by the way - thanks a lot!!
Thank you!
above download link is not working
Try with these steps:
You need to be sure about the trends using this indicator or it can give you false trades, I spent $3000 training using this indicator + extra trend lines??
its not working coz error
hello sir it dosen't work
i applied on every tf but nothing do ?
plz help me
Ive checked and it works.
Just try the steps a few times. Sometimes there are problems with the platform...
As the last resort download a platform from another broker.
Also make sure you're copying the indicators to /Experts/Indicators folder.
give me Gann_HiLo_Activator signals input seetings
Gann_HiLo_Activator settings:
Lookback = 10.
HI, GOOD work you have here, how are these indicators downloaded here pls,
Thank you,
try with these steps:
mt4 needs mq4 files . this is in ex4 , it is not working..
MT4 workd with both files: mq4 and ex4.
Try restarting your platform, the indicator should work.
(ex4 is a native MT4 file created out of mq4 by the MT4 platform, when it first "sees" the mq4 file).
No arrows just a blue line. Restarted MT still nothing
The indicator can't draw arrows. I did, to show how to trade.
Hello sir,Can you please update this indicator in .mq4 format?
I don;t have this one in .mq4, sorry..
Hello,not new one sir.Here it is in .ex4 format.But i want .mq4 fromat
Hello sir,I have one doubt.This indicator will do auto trade?(means,automatically place or close orders)or I should do manually?
This indicator doesn't place orders, you'll need to open/close trades manually.
Here is the .mq4 version I was able to find: Gann_Hi-Lo_Activator_SSL.mq4
what settings to use for 5min time frame? And what other indicators best used with this indicator? Thanks
Does it work better in 1 hour timeframe?
Hi, congratulations for the extremely good work. Any ideas how to pyramid by using this indicator, I have an EA which is pretty straightforward in buys-sells and I am trying to make it better.
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