MT4 indicator (Kaufman3.mq4)
How to trade with Kaufman3.mq4 indicatorKaufman3 indicator adds an extra exponential moving average to the KAMA value. It may be interesting as a basis for a trend following indicator. Parameters:
Kaufman indicator uses 2 moving averages, which are a bit more descriptive than regular MAs. The basic application of the Kaufman indicator is to spot a short term trend and trade with it. When Kaufman indicator lines cross a trend changes. Once a price candle is trading clearly outside both Kaufman lines (below lines - for downtrend, above - for an uptrend), the sight is clear to take a trade. Another advantage of Kaufman moving averages is that they quickly react to pausing trends by immediately going flat (check the behavior of the green line on the screen shot above). When Kaufman moving average goes flat, traders should be looking to take partial profits from their trades because a trend could end there, the remaining position should be kept open in case the trend continues and be closed with either the cross of Kaufman lines, or, better off, with the first candlestick trading inside the lines (remember the first rule about entries : "candle outside Kaufman lines"). Copyright © Comments |
Great indicator
I attached this indicator but it doesn't show on the main chart? I changed the back ground color of my metatrader but the result still the same.
sorry, my mistake, it does come out on the main chart for 30m, 1h, and 4h, how do i use it for smaller TF?
The same way as on larger TF. Try modifying the settings to see if any better signals can be achieved. There are no specific recommendations known to me.
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