MT4 Indicator (TSR_Ranges.mq4)
How to trade with TSR_Ranges indicatorTSR_Ranges.mq4 shows a window in the upper left corner where traders can find: Average day range - how far the market travels on average (in pips) Note that if you have 5 digit platform, make sure to disregard the last digit. TSR_Ranges indicator helps us do the math quicker than we were able to do it before. TSR_Ranges and Risk : Reward ratioNow, another useful feature is that traders can get guidance about Risk : Reward ratio. By clicking on "Inputs" tab in the indicator properties window, traders can set the Ratio to the desired value. (By default the Risk : Reward ration is set to 3). Note how your suggested Stop Loss values change with that. Copyright © |
hi, this is very helpful web thank you so much,
i do have a problem, if you can guide me,
when i click on download, i can see only the codes, not the indicator itself.
thank you
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Right click, save link as...
I changed this for 5 digit broker if anyone wants it, now it displays the correct pip counts.
Yes, please send it to us at [email protected], and we'll gladly publish it here.
It is sent...
Thank you very much for taking time to write and share this indicator!
i whant download TSR Ranger mq4
sir, The value of The Long and Short is keep on changing. how to overcome this or pls provide any examples pls
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