MT4 Indicator (Camarilladt.mq4)
How to trade with Camarilla IndicatorCamarilla Equation is known among Forex traders as Camarilla pivot points. Camarilla pivots are used for intra-day trading, it is a tool for Forex scalpers and short term traders alike. Read entire post >>> |
GMTshiftSun =???
GMTshift =???
thank you
hello it is the first time i am using this indicator and i see people are having
trouble setting up the Gmt thingy... i am from Japan so do i need to change
any parameter or just leave it as default?? i guess with GMT we ve got about 9 to 10 hours of difference . Japan is as you know faster than US in terms of time ....
Many thanks kind regards.
Can this be used with commodities
How can we decide and trade " Which position to BUY and which Position to SELL and which position TP " with this Camarilla indicator ? ... Can anyone help about this ?..
I am from Sri Lanka and im using Hot Forext as my broker and can i have help for " shift for GMT and GMTSUN ? " ... hope someone help and appreciate all response..
I appreciate your work on this indicator.
Have one query. I put this indicator on the daily charts, it gave me the correct levels. But as soon as i chnaged the time frame to the lower i.e M5, M15 etc...for trading purpose, the levels are also changing according to the timeframe.
Can you help me out, how can we get the daily/weekly camarilla levels, on screen while we are using lower time frames.
I am pretty sure one should always set the GMTshift according with the difference to GMT of the time zone his/her broker's server is at. For example, my broker's server is located in cyprus, cyprus is GMT+2, so I change GMshift from default to 2.0. If someone lives in Japan he/she should change to 9.0. However, as for the weekend time shift I am somewhat unsure of how to use it, could be something like this: Trade week closes at 22h00 Friday (my server time) and opens at 22h00 Sunday (My server time) does this means that the value I should use for weekend shift is 48.0? However, when trading commodities (gold) market opens a little bit later, perhaps I should add that time to weekend shift too when using the indicator on a XAUUSD chart. Any ideias?
God will bless you for the good work u are be doing for trader with this explanation forex look so simple keep it up sir,my problem here is this,sir can you please teach me how to download that indicator and are to copy it to my mt4 i really love it thank u
I found help in FAQ
hi can u help me to provice me Camarilladt.mq5
my email id [email protected]
kindly help me as soon possible....
Any idea what time settings I should be using if I'm in Alberta Canada?
Very Nice Indicator !!
Where is the stoploss ?
When will I enter Sell/Buy while breaking L3/H4 ?
When breaking L4 where I enter Sell ?
Thank You
thank you ..very helpfull
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